Day 173–February 17

Bradenton to Sarasota

We had another relatively easy day, only 28 NM.  The weather was beautiful, seas calm, and the temps pushed 80 degrees.  The scenery was beautiful; with more porpoise escorts, waterfowl, and the green waters over white sandy bottoms.

We arrived mid-afternoon in Sarasota.  For the first time on our adventure, we decided to stay on a mooring ball.  In this beautiful basin, there are approximately 100 mooring balls. 

We see the skyline of Sarasota and probably 60-70 boats.  The mooring balls give you a piece of mind that anchoring does not give, plus there are no worries about the swing of the rode affecting other boats, which could result in bumping another boat.

We took the dinghy to the marina office, paid our rent for the night, and then walked the streets like we do in every other town we visit. After walking 3-4 miles, we rode the dinghy back to the boat, stopping by Vitamin Sea for a short visit before dinner on the boat.