Sarasota to Lemon Bay (anchorage) Englewood Beach

Today’s cruise was 29 NM. Weather was 75-80 degrees and we operated from the pilot house.

Many bridges we can squeak under, but this one would have removed about 2′ from our 22′ high mast.
We found a good anchorage spot among a few derelict boats. After I completed Amanda’s hair coloring (look out Tina, I’m getting good at this), we jumped in the dinghy and boogeyed over to Englewood Beach. There, we tied up at the White Elephant Pub dock and enjoyed a cool beer and met some upstate New Yorker snowbirds. It’s always a pleasure to meet these folks and they are always so enamored by our southern drawl and our adventure. Afterward, we strolled over to the beach and then back across the street to the Sandbar Tiki & Grille.
I picked this babe up and took her home with me. Abigail always takes pictures like this. This one doesn’t make any sense to me either. Englewood Beach sunset
We didn’t eat dinner, but found it to be a much more family friendly atmosphere. They had a band ( a bunch of old geezers like us) playing old tunes of the 70’s. Grandparents, parents, and kids were all dancing while many played corn-hole and other beach activities. Most were waiting on their food. A lively place, everyone was enjoying.
Shells were everywhere on the beach. Grandma dancing with her grandkids.
We puttered back across the shallow dark bay to our boat, had dinner, and called it a day. We are enjoying the shorter travel days and the warmer weather. Glad the rivers and long cold days are no longer a part of our routine. Tomorrow, we head to Boca Grande (Uncle Henry’s Marina). Amanda has more plans for us there.