Today is Stella Marie’s (our 3rd grandchild) birthday. Though we are 600 miles from her, we decided to celebrate her birthday and NDRD at the same time. We made our first dinghy adventure day in quite a while. Mark & Lana, Robert & Carolyn, Steve & Susie, with us tagging along started NDRD (National Dinghy Ride Day). It was my idea, so I will take full responsibility for this national holiday, and its imminent success. Just remember Ocho de Mayo. Someday, it may be a paid holiday.
With the Florida restaurants receiving approval to open to 25% capacity, we decided to take a mini-loop around Marathon. Eighteen miles plus, we were able to get off the boat (home) and out of the marina to enjoy a day of sunshine on the water. Because of my heart issues, Amanda wouldn’t let me pull start our dinghy, so we ended up in the boat with Steve & Susie. Their dinghy is almost as big as our home boat, so we were quite comfortable and Amanda was happy not worrying about me doing something to myself.
Mark, Lana, daughter Ann Elise, along with Robert and Carolyn puttered behind us as we all were exploring, seeing fish and a sea turtle. Steve & Susie (their boat is All Talk II-wonder why?) have become some of our closest friends during this lockdown. They don’t take life too seriously, and that is a good thing.
Approximately, half way around the loop, we stopped at Dockside Marine/Restaurant and enjoyed lunch outside under their canopy. Their first day open in weeks, the wait staff was thrilled to see us and to have clientele again. It’s been so hard for these hardworking restaurant workers and owners during this virus. We were equally happy to eat out and have happy people serving us. We enjoyed burgers, tacos, and chicken pot pie. I think I may have seen someone enjoy a cold beer…or two, as well. We cruised at a slow pace after lunch, enjoying the sunshine and company with our friends. Steve let me drive his dinghy back, so I could be under the bimini. Everyone is really looking out for me, since I will have heart surgery (cath) tomorrow morning.
Being stuck in Marathon has its advantages. A mooring field on the south side of the island key.
We got back to our respective boats about 3:00 pm. FINALLY, around 4:00, I got the call from the heart surgeon’s office that my wonderful (sarcasm intended) insurance company had come through and that the procedure would happen tomorrow. Quite relieved, we packed a few things and headed to Miami, where we stayed at a Spring Hill Suites, around the corner from the hospital.

We have enjoyed our Dorman Happy Hours since the lockdown. We visit more now than we did before. And the old folks love it more than they will ever know.
We talked to the kids on Zoom, from the hotel, and then crashed for the night. Tomorrow is a big day in the life of this heart patient.