The track doesn’t show well, but we ran from Marathon to Key Largo (Rodriguez Bay).

Home…March, April & May
We rose early at 6:00 am to an alarm clock. Not setting an alarm has been one of the easiest adjustments to the retired life. Forty plus years of 5:30-6:00 am have easily been replaced with being waked by the light in the room. I had a little trouble remembering how to set it, especially for that early. My more recent talent has been setting the timer on my watch for my afternoon nap. I digress. Tom and Paula and Robert and Carolyn sacrificed their morning sleep-in and assisted the Honey Queen and All Talk II with their lines. The marina boys had promised to be there at 7 to help, but ended up calling us on the VHF about 7:20 apologizing for missing our departure. Though we had plenty of help and didn’t need them, they did miss out on a pretty good tip that I had planned to give them. They have been great servants and have accommodated our stay above and beyond what we would have expected. We hope to spend time here again next year, and use Marlin Bay as a springboard to the Bahamas, if the Lord wills.
These 4 guys joined us right after we pulled out. We never grow tired of seeing them. Our private Sea World show. The Channel Five Bridge where crossed into the Atlantic from Florida Bay Amanda pondering life.
Our journey was 47 NM and our destination Rodriguez Bay. It was probably one of the prettiest days we’ve experienced on the Loop. We arrived early afternoon, got the anchor settled, and Steve and Susie swam over to our boat for a visit. We hadn’t seen them since yesterday, so we had lots to catch up on. Seriously, we have so enjoyed their sense of humor and are thrilled to have a buddy boat to plan with and to discuss destination possibilities. And it never hurts to have a second set of eyes and ears to talk things through.
We rode the dingy over to our other friends, Ted and Robin, on the Curtis Sea, then over to Mike and Marylou’s on Enshallah. After running out of people to talk to, we returned to our boat, had a nice hot dog dinner and then watched 60 Minutes. In case you have not heard: there’s a virus out there, the economy is in terrible shape, “certain” leaders are doing a terrible job, and the climate is getting warmer. I felt much better informed about what is going on (because I had not heard any of this ever before).
I ran the generator for a while to get the batteries topped off for the evening, and we shut it all down for the night. Tomorrow, we head to Miami, with the weather almost as promising for us.