Wednesday Green Turtle Cay
Spent the day here and enjoyed a little sightseeing. Kind of a beat up marina and not much to do in the town, but we rented a golf cart and scoped the place out. The ladies explored the graveyards, we found a nice restaurant (McIntosh’s), shot a little basketball, and looked in a couple of overpriced, understocked shops. Late afternoon, we stopped in the very nice lounge of the marina and had a cool drink. The place is plastered, walls and ceilings, with dollar bills. Apparently, it’s a ritual to leave one as a visitor. We just gave our dollars to the lady who served us, figuring she needed them more than the wall did…which is the case of most of the locals. They’ve been hit hard and tourism business is the only livelihood of most.
The blue water of the Bahamas just keeps getting bluer. The Atlantic side of Green Turtle. The bar at Green Turtle is papered with $1 bills. Steve counting the money. Dorian leftovers Overlooking Green Turtle People say, “I ate breakfast at the liquor store.” I caught these 2 celebrities on camera. I’m so sneaky.
We left at low tide with a trail of mud following us out of the channel, many times showing less than 4 ½ feet on my depth finder. Our boat drafts 4’-9”, so we had a few pucker moments getting out of there. We got back to our anchorage at Manjack and settled in for the night.