We had decided to forego our free night and instead, move on Saturday morning to our anchorage. Dale and I communicated on our exit time. He needed to top off his fuel, we, a pump-out, and we would be on our way.
Amanda and I prepped the boat, which consists of checking oil and transmission levels, getting dishes back into the cabinets, grabbing a little breakfast, disconnecting from shore power, and setting the lines from secure positions to what we call “doubled back”. They are simply looped around the cleat back to the boat to hold it in place and permit a quick, easy release when I start moving the boat from the slip.
With shore power disconnected, I was rolling the 50′ long power cord (1″diameter) up while Amanda was to jump off the boat and grab our splitter. She swung her legs over the rail to step on the finger dock adjacent to the boat when I heard a splash. Only 6 feet from her, I turned and she was out of sight. I stepped to the side of the boat, looked down into the water just as Amanda’s head popped up above the surface. She had fallen into the water between the boat and the finger pier. With the assistance of the guy in the next slip, we managed to pull her out of the water. Thankfully, she didn’t hit her head before going under. Once we got her dry and warm, and the adrenaline subsided, her foot started hurting. We decided to get it checked out at the hospital just to make sure she was okay. Five hours and an X-ray later, she had a cast on her right foot. Two broken bones. The orthopedic doctor said surgery may be necessary.

My honey queen on her new throne
We spent another night at the marina, obviously, as we got our wits about us, trying to determine our next step. We made the decision to go back to Savannah so we can deal with our doctors and utilize our medical insurance, which is not recognized in Canada. Sunday morning, we bid goodbye to our dear friends, the Collins. With wet eyes on all 4 of us, we waved as they drove away, while we sat in our slip. This unforeseen blessing of having a buddy boat has been a huge part of the trip. Dale and I have become like brothers (me talking–he may say something different). We bounce ideas off one another, help each other out on any task, watch out for one another as we travel, and on and on. The saddest part of this experience is we had to say goodbye this morning. Our hope is we will be able to catch them, if the Lord wills.
We will fly home Monday, August 12, see our doctors, determine if surgery is really necessary, and plan from there. Our options are: 1/surgery or no surgery, with the right kind of cast, we may be back in a matter of days, and continue the adventure, with a peg leg as a mate; 2/ call it a season, winterize the boat, and come back here in the Spring, and continue on. We hope to see a doctor Tuesday morning. That visit and prognosis will dictate the next leg of our venture.
As disappointed as we are, we are so grateful this accident was so minor. This simple slip could have been tragic. More later. Hey, this is the definition of an adventure, right?
I am sad for the interruption!!! but happy that the accidents was not catastrophic ( my opinion .. not Amanda’s ) Just an interruption! I have a feeling you will be on your way again soon!!!
Thank you, sweet Mabel. For your prayers and for the beautiful picture I will treasure.
Man, so bummed to read this post. 😔 Safe travels back to Savannah, and we will be praying for you all in the coming days. Hoping for an outcome where you guys can continue on; I really enjoy following your progress!
Glad to see you in Savannah. Thanks for the prayers. Amanda is on the mend. We are both ready for her to be rid of the boot though.
Wes & Amanda! We have so enjoyed reading and keeping up with y’all on your BLOG! Until today! Oh my goodness, Amanda, your guardian angel was on the job! That could have been so much worse! Praying y’all will get in to see a doctor today and there’s no surgery needed and the Father will make it clear to y’all whether to continue on with your trip or go back in the spring! Love y’all!
Thank you Trina. All is well or becoming well!
Great Meeting you out at the pool. Ironically we met some loopers in Killarney and his name was Dale. They’d said they took longer in georgian bay than planned and now I wonder if its even possible that you passed your buddy boat.
May your adventures continue to amaze!
-Joe and Kimberly from S/V Arete
Likewise, my friend. Must be coincidental on meeting Dale. Our buddy boat, On Missions, Dale and Sandy, were with us at the Pool. We had already passed through Killarney, but did not stop. The Covered Portage and Snug Harbor were great looking anchorages, if you want to enjoy something as beautiful as The Pool.
We are holed up in Meldrum Bay at the marina last night and tonight, monitoring weather. The winds were pretty wicked yesterday and last night. Forecast isn’t promising for trawlers, but we hope to leave in the morning for Drummond.
Stay in touch through the blog or email. Today is catch up day on the blog, since we have internet service at the marina, be it ever SO SLOW.
Safe travels to you guys. Wes/Amanda wdorman@championfp.com