Pulling double duty now, with a peg-legged first mate, I got the boat ready, paid the marina, and we were on our way. A plug for Bay Port Marina here: we were gone for 7 days tending to Amanda’s foot. They charged us for 4 days and treated us like family. One of their staff, Robert, texted me a few days later, just checking on her, since he did not see us when we left. Their service, attitude, and first class treatment of the clientele at a first class marina will ensure their continued success into the next generation. Go to Bay Port Marina when you happen to be in Midland, Ontario.
Official entrance to Georgia Bay (signage lacking) The entrance to our anchorage at Echo Bay. Stay right Stay right Stay right! These places make you slow down take deep breaths. I almost messed up here. These rocks are named the Valentines–dedicated to my other family Sometimes, a man just has to go for it. Just a zig, then a zag. Nothing to it. Boats settled in for the night. I always wondered where Little Gibraltar was… Our day’s journey
We made it to a beautiful anchorage known as Echo Bay, 36-mile trip. One of thousands of little coves in the Georgia Bay, known also as the 30,000 Islands. We met a nice couple who own a little red tugboat called the Heart Tug. They travel and know these waterways. Randy and his wife, Audrey, came aboard and showed us so many “don’t miss” places for our journey through the Bay and the Northern Channel. They were kind, genteel, encouraging, and just a positive breath of fresh air. Randy also inspired me to dive into the cool waters for a swim. Wow! We had a nice rain storm tonight, washing off my filthy boat, still reeling from all the dirty locks we went through.