Sunrise at Strawberry Island
The days are starting to sound the same, as I write. Beautiful anchorage, nice folks, sunrises that take your breath away. I write so I can retain the memory of each place, to relish the fresh air, and cool clear waters. We enjoy our friends, the Collins’, whose core values we share, who laugh with and at many of the same things we do, and who, between the 4 of us, make a pretty decent crew.
This day’s travel was from Strawberry Island to Thomas Bay (34 miles). A protected anchorage that our friends Randy and Audrey said we should not miss. We arrived early enough to get there before anyone else, so we had our choice of boat positions for anchoring. Being the early bird puts the stress and responsibility on the late comers, who must be certain to anchor where their boat won’t swing into ours. The route was a bit tricky for us because we had to veer off the marked channel for the first time. Slowly, noting the water depths to ensure we did not have a casual encounter with granite, we found our way. It was an uneventful arrival, my favorite kind.
But the highlight of this day had to be the trek through Collins’ Inlet. I hope you enjoy these half as much as I did (and do). I realize many of them look the same.
Surrounded by high rock granite walls on both sides, left me with a dry mouth, as it was wide open for 4 miles. I wish my photographic skills did justice to this beauty. Since we first started talking about the doing “The Loop”, seasoned travelers have said, “Wait till you get to the Georgian Bay.” We were not disappointed.
A peak through the trees at the Honey Queen. Looking South across Georgian Bay I need a geologist to explain these rock formations. Dale pondering Who put these rocks here. The water is so clear
Such interesting landscapes as we have traveled North, and now West, have pulled us into the scene. Each area has its own flavor and attraction.