Fifty-four degrees woke me this morning, instead of my “normal” alarm. The coolest we’ve seen yet, as we approach the Northernmost point of our journey. We traveled 32 miles by water, but only about 6-7 miles, as the crow flies, as our journey U-turned from one anchorage to the next. We traveled from Thomas Bay to Baie (bay) Fine (pronounced fin), through Killarney, the gateway to the Northern Channel and anchored at the infamous Pool. Killarney was particularly colorful, with small homes, little shops, a lodge, a few marinas, and even a general store.
The Pool, like many, is protected by high walls of granite. The ride from Killarney to the Pool was as spectacular as the destination itself. A very popular spot of the locals during the summer, we expected many boats on this gorgeous Saturday. Good fortune was with us and with just a handful of boats, we enjoyed plenty of room to spread out and swing on our anchor.
After Dale and I anchored our boats, moved our boats, and re-anchored our boats, we were ready for an adventure. Sandy with a headache and Amanda with a broken foot, GUY TIME finally happened. This phenomenon is interesting. I have learned that guy time always comes just in time for guys. However, for the wives, it’s usually 2 days past due. Whatever, Dale and I were excited about the hike opportunity just a short dinghy-ride away. I picked up Dale and off we went. The adventure was to climb to the top of the mountain (maybe a hill, but I claim writer’s privilege) to Lake Topaz. Our Canadian friends had told us this was a “must do” and, by all means, go swim in the lake. “It will change your life!”, I was told. We climbed the rugged trail, virtually impassable by the average person and there, before our eyes, was a mediocre little lake with lots of weeds and lily pads. Not discouraged, and wanting my life changed, I dove in, swam a few minutes, and realized life really had not changed. I threw my shirt and shoes back on and we headed back down the mountain, disappointed in the experience.
Along the way, we ran into 3 high school kids coming from a side trail. One was on crutches with a cast on his foot. I asked for his picture to show Amanda that a broken foot should never discourage a brisk hike. I told them we had swum in Topaz but they told me they had just come from there and had not seen me. After brief directions from them, along with the concern that I may have been swimming in the local sewerage treatment plant, we took off to the real Lake Topaz. No more disappointment! This lake was gorgeous, crystal clear, and free of all lily pads. So, donning “most” clothing, I dove in again and my life was changed. Well maybe not, but it was a thrilling experience.
This guy hobbled to Lake Topaz for the swim. The beauty…. I felt just like the models in the swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated. You can see my toes through the water, so I decided to leave the swimsuit on. Not a selfie kind of guy, but had to do this.
After getting back to the boat, Dale and Sandy brought dinner over, and we pigged out on ribs, green beans, red rice, and Dale’s famous homemade cornbread. We threw a little Sweetwater Honey on the cornbread, and topped off the night with blueberry cobbler. With the perfect weather, the scenery, and the friends, I can honestly say we haven’t had this much fun since…oh, maybe yesterday?

We get so many compliments on our boat. There are not many like ours in this part of the world, compared to the South. She’s been good to us and we are blessed to have her.

This ancient Indian totem pole sculpture was amazingly detailed. They worshiped this thing as one of their many gods.

Actually, I made that last caption up. This is a rock formation behind our boat at the Pool. I turned the picture.
As the day dawned, the fog slowly lifted from the water. A nice young couple from Cincinnati were on this sailboat. One doesn’t have to wait until he is old to chase his dream.