Meldrum Bay to Drummond Island Anchorage

Shooting for a 6 am exit, we pulled out at first light, about 6:15 and headed to Drummond Island.

We have heard rumors of ghosts and ghost ships in these waters. Pretty believable.
Drummond is the first location back in the USA. The water was pretty rough because winds were above what sea wimps like to see. But we have seen worse and made it to our anchorage without any significant event. We were able to check back into the USA by phone, saving us a stop at the marina on the way to our parking spot for the night.
Crossing the Canadian border into USA waters. Today’s journey.
On Missions and Honey Queen dropped anchors and Dale took a snooze for a while. A couple hours later, Amanda asked me if I thought Dale’s boat had moved since anchoring. Sitting with my back turned to their boat, I turned and realized their boat had dragged the anchor for probably a half mile. Fortunately, the wind had favored the best direction to be blown and he had not met anything or anyone while dragging. He realized his situation as I was about to call him. He moved his boat to our side and tripled his scope (amount of chain/rode let out) to ensure he would be secure the rest of the night. With my mischievous mindset, I started to ease our boat forward about 100 yards and re-anchor, just to play with Dale’s mind, but I resisted. He had had enough excitement for the day. But it has been fun razzing him. I know my turn is coming. The winds died down for the night, so we slept pretty well without any real stressers.