Charlevoix to Frankfort

My buddy, Dale, loves McDonald’s sausage biscuits, so Wednesday afternoon, he hopped on his bicycle in Charlevoix and rode more than a mile to get us all a biscuit for the journey. This is my first time to benefit from the 24-hour breakfast offering. Yum!
This was our longest day since we left Savannah in April. Predictions are the winds will get stronger as the day develops. Looking at 64 nautical (about 74 statute), the duration was predicted to be 10 hours. Taking all of that, and then some, we bounced more than half the time; rough at the beginning, calming for a few hours, and then finally bouncing our way into Frankfort about 4:45. Though we’ve seen worse conditions, this was less than enjoyable, especially because of the length of the ride. Glad to have this one under our belt.
Erosion on the Eastern bank of Lake Michigan is common. This 1,000 foot, 76,000 ton ship gets all the respect he wants from me. He pushes a very tall wall of water
The ladies went shopping in Frankfort. I ran a few miles, taking advantage of a nice paved trail/park area around the inlet near the marina. We cooked fish we bought in Charlevoix, planned our route for tomorrow’s 6 am exit, and went to bed.