Our 9:30, Mother’s Day exit from Top Rack Marina took us through the heart of Norfolk/Portsmouth.
Our jaws dropped wide open as we passed through. Amanda’s comment was, “We’re not in Kansas anymore.” Our boat, which looks big to many people, was put in perspective as we passed the destroyers, aircraft carriers, frigates, container ships, cruise ships, and barges. What a feeling of humility and awe, appreciative of our armed forces, living in a country where protection of the people has always been the priority and purpose of our government. I’ll stop there as this is not a political debate platform.
140′ Vertical–RR Lift Bridge
We decided to duck into a marina known as Salt Pond Marina in Hampton Virginia. Nice, economical stay. The plan was 1 night and head to Deltaville, Va. on Monday morning. The morning forecast changed our plan. Winds 15-20 mph, with rain and fog, and lots of open water between here and our destination dictated that we chill another 24 hours. Minor boat maintenance and making our plans for our 2-week “visit” to Savannah became the day’s priorities. Tuesday morning, crack of dawn departure is now Plan A.