With only a sore wrist, we spent the next few days taking it especially easy. My sweet bride of almost 42 years doted over me and made sure I did nothing to exert any extra energy. I don’t recommend a blocked artery, but it does get one out of washing dishes and few other household chores, so it’s not all bad. By Friday, my hand was feeling great and my energy was renewed. I made my rounds to the neighbors and invited them over for a Friday night sing-along.
We spaced over 6′ apart around an empty slip. Where are those words to Mr. BoJangles?
I pulled out my old guitar and we sang songs for 2 hours. They would make requests, look the words up on their phones or ipads, and I would fake my way through the song chords. We laughed a lot and had a great time.
To update, we have altered our exit from Marathon. Our planned exit of Monday, May 11, has been postponed. The forecast calls for some rain, but lots of wind. The next good weather window will be no sooner than Sunday, May 17. We will plan to leave either Sunday or Monday, if the Lord wills.