The winds finally died down in our anchorage last night and the oxbow became lake calm. We rose around 6:00, our new body alarm time, it seems, and headed north 15 miles to the Marina at Grande Dunes. The cruising experts tell us we need a day or 2 per week off the water just as a stress reliever. Yes, I know most think this is stress free living, but we have found that is not totally the case. The need for constant awareness of surroundings, current, weather, systems on the boat, navigating, avoiding shoals, etc. has a certain level angst about it that merits a little break by being tied up at a marina.
As mentioned already, laundry, reprovisioning, and the other routine tasks of living can be accomplished while in the marina, so there’s still a little normal living routine required.

The highlight of our weekend was a visit from Nadine (and her daughter-in-law, Nell). Nadine was one of Amanda’s mom’s best friends from Columbus. Nadine, now a 100 years old and going strong, was such a pleasure. We enjoyed hearing her tell of fishing stories on our little Pine Mountain pond, where she says she always caught more fish than Amanda’s dad. And since there’s nobody around to dispute the story, it has to be true!
Amanda asked her if she has to take lots of meds. She said she has to take 2 Tylenols every morning to feel good. That’s it!
Sunday morning, we watched Compassion Church service on the app, walked to the beach, took a little snooze there, and walked back to the grocery store to restock. Our stroll back to the boat, loaded down with groceries, was a less than fond memory made. No matter how pitiful of a face I made as cars rode by, no one offered to pick up the 2 homeless looking people walking with 40 pounds of bags hanging down at our sides. I asked Amanda to start crying, but she wouldn’t stoop that far. I need to work on my “look” or get a cart!